BonaResponds volunteers travel near 和 far to help those in need.

St. 博纳旺蒂尔大学

学生俱乐部 & 组织

St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生有丰富的机会来丰富他们的学术经验,并通过商学院的俱乐部和组织为他人提供所需的服务.

American Advertising Federation


Known as the World Series of Advertising, 该竞赛为学生团队提供了为真正的企业赞助商设计战略广告和媒体活动的机会.

全球网赌十大网站章, 被称为Kwerkworks, consists of 30 students, half of them majors in the 商学院, half from the J和oli School of Communication. Students must submit a resume 和 be interviewed for a position on the team.

To learn more 和 apply, go to Kwerkworks应用程序.

American Marketing Association

AMA俱乐部提供了学习市场营销职业的机会,并向所有对市场营销感兴趣的学生开放, regardless of their major or class year.

成员参加各种慈善和筹款活动,包括March of dime步行和与当地ASPCA一起做志愿者工作.


全球网赌十大网站我们的 美国医学协会网站
遵循 AMA SBU在Instagram上


BonaResponds volunteers n a work siteWhen Hurricane Katrina hit the Golf Coast in 2005, 杀死1人以上,800 people 和 leaving millions homeless, a group of nearly 300 St. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生, 工作人员和社区志愿者开始了对受灾地区为期两周的救援任务.

It was the largest service trip in the history of the university, 和 the birth of BonaResponds, one of the most energetic 和 exciting student organizations ever assembled.

Open to anyone with a calling to make things better, its mission is simple: to help others through volunteering. BonaResponds回应了那些受到重大灾害影响的人们的求助电话——志愿者前往俄亥俄州帮助洪水灾民,在致命的破坏性龙卷风过后前往阿拉巴马州——以及当地社区成员的求助电话.


Bonaventure Accounting Association


  • field trips that enable students to study the financial markets
  • networking events with 博纳旺蒂尔校友 working in the accounting industry
  • service projects that enable students experience the profession at work, 学生对该领域有了更深入的了解,并了解了职业发展的可能性.


在这个群体中, which faculty advisors note is more of a company than a club, 学生们通过与奥林商业发展公司等发展组织合作,与企业和非营利组织合作. 和 Southern Tier West Regional Planning & 开发板.

Students engage with local businesses, 大多数创业公司, that need assistance with such things as budget forecasting, marketing 和 other crucial business matters.

学生与经验丰富的专业人士一起工作,因为他们与客户接触, offering marketing 和 management advice 和 services.

学生参与者表示,他们参与C4是他们成为有效沟通者的主要因素, leaders 和 collaborators.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 托德·帕尔默, associate professor of management


由St开始. 博纳旺蒂尔的学生, 这个非营利组织专注于乌干达南部非洲小镇伯利恒的可持续经济发展.

它致力于改善伯利恒家长学校和孤儿院的设施和服务, 该公司还设立了一个政府注册的小额信贷项目,以帮助当地企业家.



A Bonaventure student with students from a school in the Bahamas创行是一个国际公认的非营利组织,旨在促进商界领袖和大学生之间的伙伴关系,为当地社区带来改变.

Known as the world's largest experiential platform, Enactus works to create a better, 更可持续发展的世界,同时培养下一代企业家领袖和社会创新者.

创行计划将学生团队团结在一起,以推进联合国的17项可持续发展目标. 超过72,000 college students are involved in villages, towns 和 cities around the world, 发展和管理旨在改善生活和加强社区.

In running projects that help others, students develop business 和 leadership skills, 以及对社区和周围世界的服务意识和责任感.

每年一月,圣. 博纳文特尔创行学生承担创业服务之旅,以巴哈马. This student-run trip includes business consulting, work with elementary schools, technology expos 和 Special Olympics programs.

  • 教学1,800 schoolchildren the essentials of entrepreneurship, 全球经济, financial literacy 和 values
  • running after-school programs focusing on technology
  • conducting evening computer classes for working adults
  • installing school computer labs
  • painting an entire school building
  • 协助将一幢建筑物改建为最先进的远程教育/娱乐中心
Enactus is open to students from all majors. 遵循 the Bonaventure group on 脸谱网 和 推特.


家族企业俱乐部培养学生成为家族企业的重要贡献者, 创办自己的公司, or serve family businesses as employees, 客户, 供应商及顾问.

对所有学生开放, 该俱乐部提供网络和教育项目,帮助学生为家族企业特有的机遇和艰巨挑战做好准备. The club fosters relationships with alumni, parents 和 friends who offer students business tours, 会谈, mentorships 和 internships.

The club is supported by an interdisciplinary faculty from across campus, all with relevant family business experience. They offer seminars, service 和 research opportunities for students.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 哈立德阿米拉, assistant professor of finance 和 club adviser.


管理俱乐部通过教育为会员提供个人和专业发展的机会, association with business professionals, 和 the development of leadership skills. 会员也有机会参与当地的商业社区.

The club sponsors an annual spring trip to a major city each spring semester, 在此期间,学生参观知名企业,并对成功组织的日常运作有更深入的了解.

In conjunction with these trips, an alumni event is held annually in a destination city (Boston, 纽约, 芝加哥, 华盛顿, D.C.) where club members have an opportunity to network with St. 博纳旺蒂尔校友. 类似的地区性城市(布法罗、克利夫兰、匹兹堡)的旅行在秋季进行.

Many club members are also active with BonaResponds (see above).

要了解更多信息, 电子邮件约翰B. 史蒂文斯, management lecturer 和 club adviser.

 是唯一一个, professional fraternal organization in sales, marketing 和 management in the United States. It engages students with faculty, 校友和社会创造服务和商业机会,扩大学生的经验,让他们学习和磨练营销和销售技能.

The Epsilon Xi Chapter meets several times per semester in order to plan, 组织, 和 coordinate community service events, 教育项目, fundraising opportunities, 和 to prepare for regional 和 national sales competitions.

The program objectives of PSE are to help students:
  • comprehend the roles of sales, marketing, 和 sales force management
  • demonstrate the ability to perform in a competitive environment
  • communicate effectively, verbally 和 nonverbally
  • assess performance strengths 和 weaknesses

Students in Money Management

Students conferring during a SIMM meeting学生资金管理(SIMM)是一个体验式学习项目,在这个项目中,学生管理一个大约600美元的真实投资组合,000.

Students participate fully in all aspects of the portfolio management process, learn 和 apply equity valuation techniques, 和 network with alumni 和 other business professionals.

Under the supervision of a St. Bonaventure professor of finance, 来自不同教育背景的学生探索投资组合管理理论,并通过参与实际投资组合的积极管理来巩固他们的理论知识. 还会有演讲嘉宾和到纽约、芝加哥等城市的交流之旅.


Earnings are distributed at the discretion of the advisory board. One-third of realized gains are donated to charitable, 非营利组织, one-third is retained in the equity fund, with the remaining one-third of gains given back to the endowment.

欲了解更多信息,请 博士的邮件. 詹姆斯Mahar金融学教授.